Episode 9: Crypto Fascist Hell
A long overdue evisceration of the massive grift that is crypto. We’re calling out the tech-fascists in this so-called “freedom movement”, all the frauds accelerating the apocalypse clock in this dystopic timeline. As the collapses pile up, what should ethical technologists be doing to fight back? We’re bringing in two guests to help us wade through this muck, Molly White and Cooper Quintin, providing much needed clarity in this dark age of disinformation. Burn, web3, burn!
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- Molly White • @web3isgoinggreat • web3isgoinggreat.com • newsletter.mollywhite.net
- Cooper Quintin • @cooperq • cooperq@mastodon.lol • cooperq.com
- Intro – 1 minute, 3 seconds
- Illinois Ends Cash Bail – 5 minutes, 45 seconds
- Interview with Molly White – 9 minutes, 23 seconds
- Panel with Molly and Cooper – 1 hour, 17 minutes, 22 seconds
- Interview with Cooper Quintin – 1 hour, 48 minutes, 47 seconds
- Pirates at the Bitcoin Conference – 2 hours, 30 minutes, 30 seconds
- Libertarian Party Unmasked – 2 hours, 36 minutes, 36 seconds
- Anarcolonizers – 2 hours, 39 minutes
- Smash MAGA 2: Civil War – 2 hours, 45 minutes, 50 seconds
- Hacker and the Fraud – 2 hours, 50 minutes
- Conclusion: End the Grift Economy – 3 hours, 2 minutes 20 seconds
- Molly White’s coverage of the FTX collapse
- “Snowflake Makes It Easy For Anyone to Fight Censorship” by Cooper Quintin
- “Right-wing outlets are pushing an unfounded conspiracy theory about collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX that originated from a white supremacist’s website” by Jack Winstanley & Natalie Mathes
- “How Cryptocurrency Revolutionized the White Supremacist Movement” by Michael Edison Hayden and Megan Squire
- “Bored Ape Nazi Club” by Philion
- “The Enigma of Peter Thiel: There Is No Enigma — He’s a Fascist” by John Ganz
- “Using Human Rights for Right-Wing Politics” by Joakim Mollersen
- “Libertarian Party Loses State Parties, Donors After Hard-right Turn” by Creede Newton
- “It Looks Like Hitler Was Pretty Good!”: Crypto Grifter At Center of HBO Series and “Anarchapulco” Praises Hitler, Denies Holocaust” on Its Going Down>
- The Sabu Files
- “Silk Road Lawyers Poke Holes in FBI’s Story” by Brian Krebs